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UP1587, E4B. lpp.

1: Das er§te Chor. Das ander Chor.
2: Czour touwe §weete petzim§chenne.
3: Czour touwe Nawe cixte§chen vnde
4: A§§enne §wedre.
5: Czour touwe kru§te vnde Nawe.
6: Czour touwe §weete auxkam czel§chen~-
7: ne vnd Debbes kaep§chenne.
8: Exkan muße pa§tare bhede.
9: Exkan to pa§tare ßodibe.
10: (Pallidtcz mums mileis Dews vnd Kunx)
11: Mhes nabbage greetczeneke luudtczam. Tu grib mums pa-
12: klou§§yth myleis
13: Dews vnd kunx.
14: Vnde touwe §weete Chri§tite{Ehri§tite} Ba-
15: §nice waldyth vnd waddyth.
16: Wue§§es Py§kopes / Ba§nitcze ku-
17: ges / vnd Macetayes py touwe
18: waerde / vnd §weete cziwo§chenne
19: patthurreet.
20: Wue§§ems lounems Maetczeta-
21: yems vnd apgretczibe prettibe
22: §tawhet.
23: Wue§§es Apallotes vnde pewiltes
24: atkal adgre§t.
25: To whelne appe§kan mu§§ems ka-
26: yems ßa§§paerdyt.
27: Labbes tidtcziges Maetczetayes{Maetczctayes} ex-
28: kan touwe Ba§nice ßutyth.
29: Touwe §weete Garre vnde §peeke
30: py waerde dodth.
31: Wue§§ems apbeedenatems vnde
32: Bailigems pallidtczeth vnde
33: epretczenaeth.
34: (Packlou§§e mums myleis Dews vnde Kunx)


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