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Manc1654_LP1, 419. lpp., 4. rindiņa
Pozicionētais vārdlietojums: Nazareth

1: gi tad weens e§śi tick śwe§śch eek§chan Jeru§alem / kat-
2: ters nhe §innatu / kaß śchinnies Deenahß turr eek-
3: hchan notitzis gir? Vnnd wings śatzija us teem:
4: Kaß? Bett tee śatzija us to: Taß / no JE§u no Na-
5: zareth / katters by weens Proweetz/ warrähns no
6: Darrbeem und Wahrdeem preek§chan Deewu und
7: wi§śeem Ļaudeem / ka to muh§śi Auxti Ba§nizas kun-
8: ghi und Wir§śeneeki nodäwuśchi gir py Nośohdi§cha-
9: nas tahß Nahwes / und py Kru§tu śittu§chi. Bett
10: mehß zerrejam tam by J§raeli attpe§tiet. Vnd par
11: to wi§śu gir §chodeen ta tre§ścha Deena / ka §chahdas
12: leetas noticku§chi gir. Arrid§an gir mums ißbeede-
13: juśchi zitti no muh§śahm Śeewahm / tahs gir aggre
14: py to Kappu bijuśchi / und nhe gir winja Mee§śu att-
15: radduśchi / nahk und śacka: Tee gir weenu Ghiem tho
16: Engheļo red§ejuśchi / katters śacka: Wings D§iewo-
17: johtz. Vnd zitti no mums noghaja py to Kappu /
18: und attradda tha / ka thaß Śeewas śatzija / bett win-
19: ju nhe attrada tee.
20: Vnd taß śatzija us teem / O juhß Jecki und kuh-
21: tri no Śirrdehm / ka juhß nhe ghribbaht titzeht wi§śu
22: to / ko tee Proweetes śatzijuśchi gir. Nhe by Chri-
23: §tum tha zee§t / unnd eek§chan śawas Ghohdibas ee-
24: eedt? Vnd eeśahka no Mo§e / und no wi§śeem Pro-
25: weteem / und iߧtah§tija teem wi§śu Raxtu / katters no
26: to śatzietz by.


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