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LS1625, 7r. lpp.

1: Tahlahck ka wens mei§ters weno matzampuiß
2: vßyemt grib, tam bus §innath, ar tas no laulatems
3: laudems patte§e no d§imtiebe gir wingam pehtz
4: to tam ammatkungam exan klath bu-
5: §chen to olderman, by§itter vnnd §chriuer prexan
6: we§tcz vnd würß t§chettre jeb ma§§ack pehtz
7: attra§§chen tam wetzum jeb trieß gadde pee-
8: yemt jeb §aderreth, tad bus tam pui§cham prexan
9: §euwim, patte§e galwenekes dabboth, kattre
10: wingam exan wi§§ems letems lab prexan
11: §atziet bus jeb war.
12: 28.
13: Exan tahs pirmahs kohpan §anack§chennes, bus tam
14: pui§cham jeb prexan tam winge mei§ters tam
15: ammatam 2 mk exan tahs lades elickt jeb doth.
16: 29.
17: Ja tad wens pui§is aran tahs matzibes behge,
18: bus tas kluth ar pallige tos czeniges und godiges
19: kunges atkal atwe§tcz, tad bus to no jaune §a-
20: derreth. vnd to paprex§che ko tas py ammatte
21: büwis gir, wairs nepelagadieth.
22: 30.


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