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LS1625, 22v. lpp.

1: 105
2: Ta liedcz arriedczan bus jckwens, ka
3: pirmack peminnehtz, to bygrafft tan wetan
4: jeb würßon eelas §ew §akrahtes, vnd tam
5: nomürru§cham pehtz §taigath, jeb pawaddiet
6: py §e§§che wehrdinge bröhcke.
7: 106.
8: Tah bus arriedczan tas ammatz §auwe pa§§che
9: namme dabboth vnd tur laudis lickt vs
10: hyer exan d§iewoth, to naude jck gadde
11: exan lahdes lickt, vnd ta §aderreth, kad
12: kahde nickne §ehrge zellahs, ka te tad aran
13: eth, kad wens aran tho ammatte newe§§els
14: thope vnd zitte laudes exan to ziwo§chen
15: we§§elle gir, tad bus tho newe§§elle zill-
16: wehcke, exan tho namme nowe§t, vnd wah-
17: kehtaye tur klath buth, arriedczan tick dautz
18: ka war, zaur wüddelete dewißke §chele§tibe
19: thos vnd ohtres nahborges §aluiret vnd j§pe§tiet.


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