Vārdlietojuma konteksts


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LS1625, 19r. lpp.

1: Von kriegsgewehr vnd ordinantz.
2: No karye ryeke vnnd pawehle§chenn.
3: 90.
4: Tahpehtz ka arried§an exan prex§chagems jeb
5: wetzems §chragems gir turrehtz, ka jckwenam
6: mei§teram §auwe karre ryke gattauw turreth
7: bus parradan buth, ka arriedczan tam ammattam
8: paprex§ch dautz mußketes büwu§ches gir, vnd ar
9: thams the matziete jeb tems parradietz gir vnd
10: arriedczan §ew exan ablehgerre§chen jeb ab§eh-
11: de§chen §ew ar to ka wene godiege wiere
12: §ew turrei§ches, prettib tho kartige eenaidneke
13: gir §tawei§che vnd nehwens atpackal lehtzis jeb
14: behd§is, arriedczan zitte exan to jh§e jßgai§che
15: mür§tamme laicke zitte no tems mu§ketems no§t
16: §uddu§che, ta ka newairack ka 15 pahr gir, tapehtz
17: wene gohdiege rath to par lab vßredczeis gir, ka
18: exan wüdde lete tahs lades verbehtereh§chen, licku§ch
19: tad bus nu arriedczan jckwens §auwe, pa§§che


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