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EvEp1615, 37. lpp., 17. rindiņa
Pozicionētais vārdlietojums: Mo§en

1: Die Epi§tel am Sontage Septua-
2: ge§ima / 1 .Corinth 9. vnd 10. Cap.
3: NHe ßinneth yuus / Ka the kattre tur ßa-
4: döuwu§§ches gir / the teck wü§§e / Beth
5: wens dabbuy tho alge, Tetczet nu tha /
6: ka yuus tho dabboyeth. Beth yckwens
7: katters tur czyxtaas no thurras ßöw
8: no wü§§enade lethe / wingi tha / ka te wene krone dabbu /
9: Beth mhes wene nhe pa§§uddige. Beth es tecko ta / nhe
10: kha vs tho neßinnamme. Es ßitto tha / nhe ta ka thas /
11: Katters exkan tho Gay§§e ßitte. Beth es no tirpena
12: manne Meße vnde ßlaapeyo tho / Ka es nhe tims czit-
13: tims maetczo / vnde patcz nomhettyx thope.
14: Beth es nhe grib yums / mylige Brale / Tho ap-
15: ßleepthe / Ka muße Thewe wü§§e gir appe§kan tho pad-
16: debbe§§e buewu§§che / vnde gir wü§§e czour tho Jure ga-
17: yu§§che / vnd gir wü§§e appe§kan Mo§en chru§tite / Ar
18: tho paddebbe§§e / vnd ar to Jure / Vnde gir wü§§e We-
19: nade garrige Barribe ehdu§§che / vnde gir wü§§e wena-
20: de garrige Czerre§§i czheru§§che. Beth te czhere tho to
21: garrige Ackmen~e / Katters peetcz §taigaya / katters Ack-
22: mens by Chri§tus. Beth py doudtczems nhe by Dewa~
23: wens labs prätcz / ai§to te gir paßi§te exka~ to Tuxni§§e.
24: Euangelium am Sontage Septua-
25: ge§ima / Matth. 20. Cap.


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