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EvEp1615, 193. lpp.

1: TA Mylibe nhe gi wiltiga. Nydeth tho loune /
2: pekarretes tam labbam. Ta Bralige my-
3: le§tibe §tarpan wen otre gyr Szyrdtz duebe-
4: niga. Wens nake tham otram ar Godenna-
5: §chenne prex§chan. Nehe e§§et kuutre exkan to ko yums
6: darryt buus. E§§eth kar§te exkan Garre. Szattaißetes
7: yums exkan tho Laike. E§§eeth precige exkan to Czerri-
8: be / Pacze§damme exkan No§kum§chenne. Nheat§taye-
9: tes nho Luuck§chenne. Vs yemmeetes yums thös §wee-
10: tes Bhedaczetiges. Mayoyet labprath. Sweetigeth
11: thös / Kattre yums polga. Sweetiget vnd nhe ladeth.
12: Lyxmoyet yums ar tims Lyxmims / vnde roudeth / ar
13: tims Roudammims. Thurreth wenadige prathe §tar-
14: pan weneotre. Nhe gadath peetcz auxtams Lethams /
15: Beth thurreetes yums py tems Semmoo§kems.
16: Euangelium am tage der Heim-
17: §uchung Mariæ / Luc. 1. Cap.
18: BEth Maria czheles auxam Exkan
19: tims denims / vnde gaya vß to Kal-
20: ne pepee§che / vß to Pille Juda / Vnd
21: nätcze exkan tho Namme Zacharia
22: vnde Summenaye Eli§abeth. Vnd
23: thas notickaas / Khad Eli§abeth to
24: Summena§chenne Marriae czir-
25: deye / lhedtcze thäs Bherns exkan winge Meße. Vnde
26: Eli§abeth tappe tha Sweete Garre pülne / vnde ßout-


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