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EvEp1615, 183. lpp., 21. rindiņa
Pozicionētais vārdlietojums: Petrum

1: exkan tho Buude e§me / yums vß modenath vnde pe-
2: minneet. Ai§to es ßinno / kha man buus manne Buude
3: dri§e nolickt / kha man to arridtczan muße Kunx JE§us
4: Chri§tus ßinnamme darris gir. Beth es grib ticku§§che
5: darrith / Kha yums wü§§as mallas / peetcz manne no-
6: §kyr§chenne / tade exkan pemin§chenne patthureth.
7: Ai§to mhes nee e§§em thams guddrams Paßacka~s
8: peetcz §taigai§che / Khad mhes yums ßinnat lickam tho
9: Speetczibe vnde tho atnäck§chenne muße Kunge JE-
10: §u Chri§ti / Beth mhes e§§em winge Godibe pa§§che
11: redtczei§che / Kad thas dabbuye no Dewe tho Thewe /
12: Gode vnde Szlawe / czour wene Balxne / kattra py to
13: noticka nho tho lele Godibe / vß §cho mhere: Schis gir
14: mans myleis Dhels / py kattre man wens labs praatz
15: gir. Vnde §cho Balxne e§§em mhes czirdei§che / no Deb-
16: be§§e atnee§to / Khad mhes ar tho byam / würßon tho
17: Sweete kalne.
18: Die Epi§tel am 27. Sontage
19: nach Trinitatis / Matth. 17. Cap.
20: VNde peetcz §che§§ams denims / yeme
21: JE§us py ßöw / Petrum vnde Ja-
22: cobum / vnde Johannem winge
23: Brale / vnd wedde thos vß to mal-
24: le würßon wene auxte kalne / vnde
25: tappe prexkan tems ap§kaydrootz
26: Vnde winge Wayx §pydeye ka ta


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