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EvEp1615, 146. lpp.

1: tam peetcz / Ka the to nomackte. Vnde nhe attradde ka
2: thems tho darrith by. Ai§to wü§§e the loudes / pekarres
3: tham / vnde czirdeye tho.
4: Die Epi§tel am eilfften Sontage
5: nach Trinitatis / 1. Corinth. 15. Cap.
6: BEth es peminno yums / mylige Brale /
7: Tho Euangelij / Ka es yums paßlud-
8: denays e§§me / kattre yuus arridtczan
9: vß yeemu§§che e§§eth / exkan kattre yuus
10: arridtczan §taweth / czour kattre yuus
11: arridtczan §weete thopeth / Ka es tho yums paßludde-
12: nays e§§me / Ja yuus to wen patthurrei§che e§§eth / Tas
13: buthe tad / ka yuus buutet welte titczei§che. Ai§to es e§-
14: me yums ßäwi§ke döuwis / Kattre es arridtczan dabbu-
15: ys e§me / ka Chri§tus nomürris gir par mu§§ems Gree-
16: kems / peetcz tho Raxte / vnde ka thas apracktz gir / vnd
17: ka tas atkal auxkam czeeles gir / Tan tre§§chan denan /
18: peetcz tho Raxte. Vnde ka thas gir redtßeetcz taptz nho
19: Kephas / peetcz tho nho thims / duewepadde§mettims.
20: Peetcz tho gir tas red§hetz taptz / wairack nhe ka no pe-
21: ceßumptims Bralims wenan kaartan / tho pa§§che
22: whel doudcze cziwo / beth czitte gir apgullu§§che. Peetcz
23: to gir thas red§hetz taptz no Jacobo. Turpeetcz no wü§-
24: §ims Apo§telims.
25: Wü§§e peedige peetcz wü§§ems / gir thas arridt-
26: czan no{noman} man / Kha nho wene neelaikyge czimptibe red-


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