Vārdlietojuma konteksts


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EvEp1615, 125. lpp.

1: BEth tur by wens bagaatz Wyrs /
2: Tas apteerpees ßöw ar ßide dree-
3: bims / vnde darge linnewadmalle /
4: vnde thas cziwoye yckdennes kaari-
5: ge vnde exkan lyxmibe. Beth thur
6: by wens Nabbax Wyrs / ar wärde
7: Lazarus. Tas gulley pre§chan win-
8: ge Durwe pülns wahtes vnde egribbeyas ßöw pe ehde-
9: nams no tims dru§kims / Kattre no tha bagathe{bogathe} Wyre
10: galde kritte / tomher nätcze te Szunnis vnd lai§ye win-
11: ge {.} wathes. Beth tas notikas / ka tas Nabbax mür-
12: re / vnde tappe nee§tz no tims Engelims / Exkan Abra-
13: ham kleepe. Beth thas baggatz nomuerre arridt-
14: czan / vnde tappe apracktz.
15: Kha thas nu exkan to Hel-
16: le vnde exkan to moke by /
17: czele thas ßouwes atcees
18: auxkam / vnde redtczey A-
19: braham nho talene / vnde
20: Lazarumme exkan winge
21: Kleepe / ßoutcze vnde ßat-
22: cy / Thews Abraham ab-
23: ßeelo thöw mannis / vnde
24: §uute Lazarum / Ka tas to puer§te galle exkan Vdenne
25: emehrtcze / vnde cze§§ena manne mhele / Ai§to es cze§cho
26: lelas mokas exkan §cho vggunne le§me. Beth Abra-
27: ham ßatcy / Pemin Dhels ka tu touwe labbumme dab-


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