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EvEp1615, 124. lpp.

1: tha buus ta Czilwheke Dhelam patczeltam tapt / Ka
2: wü§§e / kattre exkan to titcz / nhe thope paßu§te / Beth
3: tho mußige cziwo§chen dabbut.
4: Die Epi§tel am er§ten Sontage
5: nach Trinitatis / 1. Johan. 4. Cap.
6: DEws gir ta myle§tibe / vnd kas exkan
7: to myle§tibe pallecke / tas pallecke ex-
8: kan Dewe / vnde Dews exkan tho.
9: Exkan to gir ta myle§tibe pülnige py
10: mums / ka mums wena dro§chibe
11: gir / py tho Dene thäs Szodibes.
12: Ai§to lidtcz ka thas gir / tha e§§em mhes arridtczan ex-
13: kan §cho Pa§§oule. Bya§§chenne nhe gir exkan to myle-
14: §tibe / Beth tha pülnige myle§tibe ys czen tho bya§chen
15: aran / ai§to tay bya§chenne gir bheda. Beth kas ßöw by-
16: §thas / tas nhe gir pär pülne exkan to myle§tibe.
17: Laideth mums tho myle thurret / Ai§to thas gir
18: mums pirmake myleis. Kad wens ßack / es tur De-
19: we myle / vn~ enyde ßouwe Brale / tas gir wens Mheel-
20: kullis. Ai§to kas §zouwe Brale nhe tur myle / kattre tas
21: redtcz / ka war tas Dewe myle thurret / kattre tas nhe
22: reedtcz ? Vnd §chis Boußlis gir mums no winge / Ai§to
23: kas Dewe myle tur / thas tur arridtczan ßouwe Brale
24: myle.
25: Euangelium am er§ten Sontage{Soutage}
26: nach Trinitatis / Luc. 16. Cap.


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