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EvEp1587, 94. lpp., 6. rindiņa
Pozicionētais vārdlietojums: Golgatha

1: to darre / py to Szalye koke/ kas grib tad py to
2: Szackaltu§§che notickt ?
3: Beth tur tappe arridtczan{arridtczau} nowe§te doeuwe
4: czitte Lounedarritaye / ka the ar tho nokoute tapte.
5: Vnde the wedde to py to Wete / kattra Dhewe vs
6: Judde wallode Golgatha / tas gir vs muße Wallo-
7: de / tas Karrattekalns / vnd the doeuwe tham Eticke /
8: ar Myrrhen exkan Wyne §czeerth / ar Sulckte
9: Szamaißite. Vnde kad thas to boudy / nhe gribbey
10: thas §czerdth. Vnde the ßitte to Kru§tan / py to we-
11: te Golgata / vnde duewe Lounedarritayes to /
12: wene py to labbe Roke / vnd wene py to kreyße Roke.
13: Beth Je§um tur wueddon. Vnde tas Raxtcz
14: gir pepueldytcz / katters ßacke. Tas gir §tarpan
15: tems Lounedarritayems lagadytcz. Vnd ta by ta
16: tre§§che Stunde / kad the to Kru§tan ßitte. Beth
17: Je§us ßatcy.
18: Thews pammeth{yammeth} to tims ae§to the
19: nhe §zin ko the darre : Beth Pilatus raxty we-
20: ne Wuerße raxte / tur by exkan raxtytcz / ta Wayne
21: winges Nawes / vnde kade Wayne the tham doeu-
22: we / vnde licke tho wuerßon to Kru§te / wuerßon py
23: winge galwe. Beth tur by tha raxtytcz Je§us no
24: Nazareth tho Judde Köninx. Scho
25: Wuerßeraxte laßy doudtcze Judde loudis / ae§to ta


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