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EvEp1587, 84. lpp., 20. rindiņa
Pozicionētais vārdlietojums: Pontio

1: Beth tan Rytan / ßagaye wue§§e Auxteba§nit-
2: czekunge / Raxtmaetczetaye / vnde Weetczake tho
3: Lou§cho / vnd te wue§§e Runnekunge / vnde thurrey
4: wenes Runnes pär Je§um / ka the to nokouthe / vnd
5: wedde to auxkam prexkan ßouwems Runnes kun-
6: gems / vnde ßatcy : Es tu Chri§tus ? Szacke
7: mums / Beth thas ßatcy vs tems : Szacke es to
8: yums / tad nhe titczeeth yuus / Beth youtaye es
9: yums / tad nhe adbildeth yuus man / vnde nhe lai-
10: deth man tomher ßwabbade. Tapeetcz no §cho Lay-
11: ke ßeedees tha Czilwheke Dhels / py to labbe Roke /
12: tho Dewe Speeke. Tad ßatcy the wue§§e/ Eße tu
13: tad Dewe Dhels ? Thas ßatcy vs tims / juus ßa-
14: cketh / ae§to es e§me. Beth the ßatcy / kas wayage
15: mums wayrack{wyrack} Ledtczibe ? Mhes e§§em pa§§che czir-
16: dei§che aran winge Mutte.
17: VNde ta wue§§e kopa czeeles auxkam / vnde ßa-
18: ßeye Je§um / wedde to prexkan Caipha / prex-
19: kan to Szodibe Namme / vnde nodoeuwe to
20: tham Semmeßoyam Pontio Pilato/ vnde tas
21: by whel aggre.
22: Kad to Judas / kas to pewylis by / redtczey / ka
23: thas pa§§uddenatcz / by tay Nawe / by tas tham ßeele /
24: vnde atne§§e tös tri§de§mette Szueddrabe koußes
25: tems Auxteba§nitczekungems vnde tems Weetcza-
26: kems atkal / vnde ßatcy : Es e§me loune darrys / ka


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