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EvEp1587, 200. lpp.

1: lukoye to / vnde ßatcy. Thur wene labbe prate man-
2: na Mheita / Touwe Titczibe gir thöw pallidtczey§e.
3: Vnd ta §ewa tappe wee§§ella than pattan §tundan.
4: Vnde kad thas exkan tho Wuerßeneke Namme
5: nätce / vnde redtczeye thös Stabbelnekes / vnde to
6: Trooxne tho lou§cho / ßatcy thas vs tems / At§thaye-
7: tes / Ae§to ta Meytinge nhe gir nomuerru§§e / beth
8: ta gir ai§miggu§§e. Vnde the apßmeye to. Beth
9: kad te loudes J§czyte by / gaya thas tur exkan / vnde
10: thwere tho py tho Roke. Tad czelees ta Meytinge
11: auxam. Vnde tha Szlawe tappe §kanniga / pär to
12: patte wue§§e Semme.
13: Die Epi§tel am 25. Sontage
14: nach Trinitatis / 1. The§§al. 4. cap.
15: BEth mhes nhe gribbam yums mylige Brale /
16: paßlhept / no tims / kattre tur ai§miggu§§che
17: gir / ka yuus nhe no§kummu§che e§§eth / ka the
18: czitte / kattrims nhe wena Czerribe gir. Ae§to ka
19: mhes titczam / ka Je§us nomuerris / vnde atkal aux-
20: kam czheles gir / jten tha Dews arridtczan / kattre
21: tur ay§miggu§§che gir / czour Je§um / ar tho weddys.
22: Ae§to / to ßackam mhes yums / kha wene wärde
23: tha Kunge / ka mhes / kattre mhes cziwoyam / vnde
24: pär pallekam / exkan tho atnäck§chenne tha Kunge /
25: tems nhe näck§em pre§chan / kattre tur ai§miggu§§che


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