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EvEp1587, 170. lpp., 23. rindiņa
Pozicionētais vārdlietojums: Cziwo§chenne

1: ci§chenne noticku§§e gir / Vnd gir nodhotz no tims
2: Engelims / czour to Roke tha Wueddetaye. Beth
3: wens Wueddetays nhe gir wena wenige Wuedde-
4: tays / beth Dews gir wenyx. Ka ? Gir tad tas
5: Boußlis prettibe Dewe pe§§atci§chenne ? Tas gir
6: thale. Beth kad tur wens Boußlis dhotz buuthe /
7: katters cziwes darryth warrhete / Thad näckte ta
8: Tai§nybe te§cham aran to Boußle. Beth te Raxte
9: gir to wue§§e apßleegu§§che appe§kan tems Gree-
10: kems / ka ta peßatci§chenne näckte / czour to Titczibe
11: exkan Chri§to Je§u / dota tems / kattre tur titz.
12: Euangelium am dreyzehenden
13: Sontage nach Trinit. Luc. 10.
14: VNde thas gre§hes ßöw py ßouwems Maet-
15: ceklems / vnde ßatcy ßawi§ke / Sweete gir te
16: Atczes / kattre tur reedtcz / ko yuus redtczath /
17: Ae§to es ßacke yums / doudtcze Prophetes vnde Kö-
18: ninge / gribbey redtczeth / ko yuus redtczath / vnde
19: nhe gir redtczei§che. Vnd czirdeet / ko yuus czirdaath /
20: vnde nhe gir czirdei§che.
21: Vnde rouge / tad czhelees wens Raxtmaetce-
22: tays auxam / kärdenaye to / vnde ßatcy / Mei§ter / ko
23: buus man darryth / ka es to mußige Cziwo§chenne
24: dabbu / Beth tas ßatcy vs tho / Ka §thawe exkan
25: Boußle raxtytz ? Ka las tu ? Thas adbildey vnde


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