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EvEp1587, 157. lpp.

1: cziwoßeth / thad yuus muerßeth. Beth kad yuus
2: czour to Garre thäs Meßes darry§chenne §chlapee-
3: §eth / thad yuus cziwo§eth. Ae§to kattres tas
4: Dewe Gars czen / the gir Dewe Beerne. Ae§to
5: yuus nhe e§§eth nhe wene kalpyge Garre dabbuy§che /
6: ka yuus yums atkal Jsbites buus. Beth yuus
7: e§§eth wene beernige Garre dabbuy§che / czour kattre
8: mhes ßoutczam / Abba myleys Thews. Tas patcz
9: Gars dode mußam Garram ledtczibe / ka mhes
10: Dewe Beerne e§§em / E§§em mhes thad Beerne /
11: tad e§§em mhes arridtczan Manteneke / ar wärde
12: Dewe manteneke / vnde lydtcz manteneke Chri§ti /
13: Ja mhes czittade lydtcze czetißem / vnd ka mhes ar-
14: ridtczan lydtcz py Godibes paauxtenate thopam.
15: Euangelium am achten Sontage
16: nach Trinitatis / Matth. 7. cap.
17: SZargates yums par tims wiltigims Prophe-
18: tims kattre exkan Auwe drebims py yums
19: nake / Beth e§kige gir the plee§ige Wuelke. Py
20: winge auglims buus yums thos atßyth. War ar-
21: ridtczan Wyne oges la§§yth no tims Ehr§cheko-
22: kims ? Jeb Vyge oges no tims dadczims ? Ae§to / yck-
23: wens labs Köx nee§§e labbes augles. Beth wens
24: ßappuwys kokes / neß lounes augles. Wens labs
25: köx neewar lounes augles ne§th. Vnde wens ßap-


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