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EvEp1587, 128. lpp.

1: Euangelium am Sontage nach der
2: Himelfart Chri§ti oder Exau.Joh. 15. vnd 16.
3: BETh kad tas Eprecetays nätczys / kattre es
4: yums ßuti§cho no Theewe / tas Gars thäs
5: tay§nibes / katteers no Theewe J§edth / tas
6: dhos Ledtczybe no man. Vnde yuus arridtczan
7: dho§eth ledtczybe / ae§to yuus e§§eth no e§akumme /
8: py man buewu§§che.
9: Scho e§me es vs yums treßeys / ka yuus yums
10: nhe apgrekoyates. The yums exkan to Banne lidt-
11: czys. Beth tas layx nake / ka tas / kas yums no-
12: kows / §kyttis / ka tas dar Dewam wene kalpo§chen-
13: ne. Vnd to te yums tapeetcz darrys / ka the nedtcz
14: manne Thewe / nedtcz man atßy§th. Beth §chös e§§e-
15: me es vs yums treßeys / ae§to / kad tas layx nätcys /


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