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Ench1615, J3A. lpp.

1: ar wene patte§e Titczibe exkan Garre abdawenath / ka
2: czour §cho §weete Apßlick§chenne / war Apßlickt vnde
3: noedth wü§§e kas tam no Adam eczimptcz gir / vnd tas
4: arridtczan patcz klathe lidtczis gir / Vnd kha thas no
5: tho Neetitczige Droudtcze war tapt no§kyrtz / vnde ex-
6: kan to §weete Skir§te / thäs Chru§tites Droudtczibes /
7: ßou§e vnde ar Mere war vsthurreß / vnde kha tas al-
8: laßin dedtczige exkan Garre / precige exkan Czerre§chen-
9: ne / touwam Wärdam war kalpooth / vnd ar wü§§ims
10: Titczigims / touwe peßatcyte mußige Cziwo§chenne
11: war dabbuth / Czour JE§um Chri§tum mußam Kun-
12: gam / Amen .
13: Es pe§pe§che thöw tu ne§ky§tcz Gars / Py tho
14: Wärde tho Thewe / vnde tho Dhele / vnde tho §wee-
15: te Garre / ka tu grib aran edth vnde bheckt / nho §cho
16: Kalpe JE§u Chri§ti / N . Amen .
17: Laydeth mums klou§it tho §weete Euangeli-
18: um kha §weetcz Marcus apraxte .
19: Tan laykan ne§§e the thös Bherninges py JE§u /
20: kha thas thös ay§karte . Beth the Maetcekle pedrou-
21: dye thös / Kattre thös atne§§e . Khad tho JE§us redt-
22: czeye / neeticke tas tam / vnd ßatcy vs thems / Laydeth
23: thös Bherninges py man näckt / vnd nhe ledtczet tems .
24: Ai§to thado gir tha Debbe§§e wal§tibe / Patte§e / Es
25: ßacke yums / kas tho Dewe wal§tibe nhe dabbu / kha
26: wens Bhernings / tas nhe naacx tur exkan . Vnde tas


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