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Ench1615, J2B. lpp., 26. rindiņa
Pozicionētais vārdlietojums: duebbenne

1: Kalpe / Katters touwes Chru§tibes dawane luudtcze /
2: vnde touwe mußige Szeele§tibe / czour to garrige Ad-
3: czimptibe egrib .
4: V§yem tho Kunx / vnde ka tu ßatcys e§§e / luudt-
5: czeth / thad yuus dabbuu§eth / Meckleyeth / thad yuus
6: attraßeet / Kloudtczenath thad taps yums atwhertz /
7: thad dode nu to Dawanne / tam katters tur luudtcze /
8: vnd atwher täs / Durwes / tam / katters tur kloudtcze-
9: na / ka tas to mußige §weetum~e täs debbe§§e Noma§ga-
10: §chen~e dabbu / on~ to pe§atcyte wal§tibe touwes Dawibes
11: enake / czour JE§um Chri§tum mußa~ Kunga~ / Amen .
12: Laydeth mums luuckt .
13: O Wü§§ewaldyx mußyx Dews / katters tu e§§e
14: czour tho Vdenne apßlick§chenne peetcz touwe tai§ne
15: Szode / tho neetitczige Pa§§oule noßodys / vnde tho
16: titczige Noa ar A§tonems Czilwhekems / peetcz touwes
17: leles Szele§tibes vs thurreys / vnd tho neetitczige Kö-
18: ninge Pharao ar wü§§e ßouwe Droudtczibe exkan tho
19: ßarkanne Jure apßlydtczenays / touwes Loudes I§ra-
20: el ßou§e tur czour weddis / vnde ar tho / Scho Ma§-
21: ga§chenne / touwe §weete Chru§tibe / eßimoys / Vnde
22: czour tho Chru§tibe touwe myle Dhele / vnde muße
23: Kunge JE§u Chri§ti / Tho Jordan vnd wü§§e Vdenne /
24: par wene §weete Apßlick§chenne / vnde baggatige No-
25: ma§ga§chenne tos Greekes / §weetis vnd e§tadis . Mhes
26: luudtczam czour tho patte touwe bes duebbenne Szee-
27: le§tibe / tu gribbeete §cho N . ßeelige vs reedtczeth / vnde


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